We are looking for New Global Marketer! Now, we are seeking for Global Marketers! Global Marketing Center of EC21 is looking for candidates for Global Marketers International students from diverse nationalities are asked to apply 더보기 Successful Case of Project Today, I want to share a successful case of project. Firstly, This is Nattha, I worked for Jinmi food and Daechoeng food as soon as I got the potential list of buyers, I searched for the information about each buyer, I look for their products and their profile through a company website to seek for their interest and that could realize me the possibility of them to purchase the products I want to.. 더보기 Introducing Global Marketer Today, Yu Haiyi who is one of our best global marketers wants to share his experience in EC21. Hello everyone, this is Yu Haiyi. I have been working here in EC21 as a part timer since Oct. 2014. I enjoy working here as I grow together with the company.My first impression of EC21 when I came in the first day was the company is quite large in terms of staff and space. I was a bit nervous at first .. 더보기 About Global Marketing Center GreetingsFinally GMC(Global Marketing Center) news is opened on EC21 blog.We will now introduce GMC that is growing with the interest of many SMEs and global marketers. First of all, we would like to explain about the background of GMC. As you all know, EC21 is a professional marketing firm that provides export marketing service to Korean SMEs. We have conducted various projects with them and as.. 더보기 획득 의무화된 인도네시아 할랄(Halal)인증 안녕하십니까,대한민국 중소기업판로개척의 든든한 조력자 EC21의 식품무역 컨설팅 팀입니다.오늘은 인도네시아 진출을 준비 중이신 식품제조업 및 식품수출업, 유통업 종사자분들은 필히 숙지하고 계셔야 할 인도네시아 할랄인증에 대해 안내해 드리겠습니다. 할랄(Halal)은 아랍어로 ‘허락된, 합법적’이란 뜻이며 할랄인증을 받은 제품이란 이슬람 율법에 따라 허가가 된 제품을 의미합니다. 돼지고기, 혈액 등이 사용되지 않는다는 것이 특징이라고 할 수 있는데요. 이러한 할랄 인증의 법 개정안이 지난 해 9월, 인도네시아 의회를 통과하여 변경사항이 생겼다고 합니다. 할랄 인증 획득이 필수사항이 되어 우리 기업의 인도네시아 진출장벽이 더욱 높아지게 되었다는데, 자세한 사항 아래 정보를 통해 확인 바랍니다! 변경전 변경후.. 더보기 이전 1 ··· 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ··· 51 다음